Ratio7 | What Should You Do If You Can’t Get Visitors?
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What Should You Do If You Can’t Get Visitors?

10 Apr What Should You Do If You Can’t Get Visitors?

Sometimes it doesn’t matter how much preparation you put into creating a website or blog and getting traffic to it. Whatever you do there are times when you simply can’t seem to get the visitors you want.

Some people simply give up when they get to this stage. But this is the point where you need to remember that not everything is easy to achieve. Very few websites get loads of traffic right from the start. Very often it is a gradual curve – a learning curve if you will – that moves up gradually and gains speed as it goes along. If you have unwittingly fallen into the ‘build it and they will come’ group of people, don’t worry. There are ways to generate fresh traffic to any website, regardless of how bad things look at the moment.

The best place to start is to consider whether your website is to blame. All websites have to be search engine friendly as well as friendly to the visitors you want to attract. If you have made it difficult for the search engines to find and index all your pages, there is less chance of turning up in their results.

Of course a lot of this is down to the content you have to add to your site as well. Are you adding content regularly enough? It should go without saying that a site with ten pages has far less chance of being found than a site with two hundred pages. The more pages you have, the more chance there is of being ranked for each one. You can build your site over time instead of adding everything in one hit of course, but it’s a target worth shooting for.

Sometimes trying to fix a struggling website can be too difficult to manage. It can be hard to know where to begin, let alone what to do about it. This is why many people opt to get professional assistance to boost their site up to where they want it to be. This might be something worth thinking about.