Ratio7 | Going Green
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Going Green

09 May Going Green

Ratio7 has a strong ethical sensibility that incorporates our Christian values and our business integrity. We also are acutely aware of sustainability and the need to green our business and to help clients green theirs, as well as to successfully promote the fact that they are considering this important step. Not only is it the right thing to do, but it is also a valuable marketing tool. But you want to use it sensitively.

Begin by asking clients, staff and leadership what changes they want to make to increase sustainability. Several meetings with key stakeholders will be necessary to narrow down the list from what everyone wants to do to what is feasible to do first, from a logistics, affordability and impact standpoint. You can start with something as small as installing recycle bins by each trash bin, by buying recycled computer paper and by improving energy efficiency in basic ways (replacing traditional bulbs with CFL bulbs).

A helpful tool is to draft a sustainability mission statement and incorporate measurable goals. Keep your website and intranet, if you have one, updated with what changes your company is making. This will increase search engine traffic when potential customers look for sustainable companies. Adding a green or nature-themed side or bottom banner with “sustainability improvement updates” or similar is an excellent way of both informing your customers and marketing yourself as a company that is environmentally aware. Doing this with integrity is key. You’ve got to walk the walk, even if it is just small changes. Just as it is important to inform potential clients about your charitable work, it is also important to keep them informed about your “greening”.

If improving your company’s impact on the environment is a goal, reach out to us. We’ll work with you to convey this message in a tasteful, yet useful way!